About a week or two ago Sean and I went on a weekend camping trip up to Mt. Laguna with a couple friends. It was beautiful as usual, and was nice to have a weekend to kick back in the woods. The weather was perfect the first day, which made for really good lighting in a lot of these photos. The second day, however, a snow storm started coming in at sundown, so we had to bail. But, we still managed to get two fun days of camping in. So, anyway heres the pics from our trip!

This one reminds me of someone walking through the Russian wilderness. I guess its the hat.

Sean looking very tired and confused.

Im not sure why, but I really like these two pictures.

Trippy man!!

Me, doing my best model pose

A sweet pic Ian took

Ian, looking very much like the guy from the movie "Into The Wild"

Sean, packing up before sundown.

In the words of Dave Grohl, "BOOOOTS!"